Thursday, January 8, 2009


so this whole week the only thing that has kept me going was I was under the impression that 5 AM corporate was for this week only. well I just found out that it is everyday for the next 4 weeks!! WHAT! That is just straight luda crisy. but I will be a straight up power house. 

ok so here is the deal. Today God kicked my butt. last night Mr. Hasz gave us a TWO HOUR long speech about the rules. not rules but like expectations. that is not the right word either. anyways he talked on and on about how we are to be LEADERS and STATESMEN. like representatives of Christ. he told us the words we are not allowed to say, and lets just be honest I was not pleased. I was annoyed. He demands that we call everyone above us Mr. and Miss. or Mrs. anything short of that is not respectful or appropriate. I always feel like he is putting down anything that is not the Honor Academy and that the church is becoming lazy some of the stuff he says is fine and dandy but he offends me on a daily basis to be honest. 

but this morning during my quiet time I opened my journal that my dearest friend Abby gave me. the journal has a verse on the bottom of every page and I just read the chapter of the verse. anyways God totally kicked my butt. 
Ephesians 5:3-4
But amoung you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Not should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are put of place, but rather thanksgiving.

Ouch right? I told myself I wanted to make my faith my own and that unless God himself said it then I wouldn't really care. But read that. must of the things that we think are ok to talk about, aren't "That's what she said" that is not appropriate. I won't lie it kills me to have to come to this but it is true. We are representatives of Christ. We claim to be Christians and yet filth spews forth from our mouths? not cool. Impurity- I will just be honest and say I have not done a whole lot of anything in that realm but still. It flat out says not to why do we think its ok? why do we think that because we are Christians we can say and do whatever we want? we can't. 

Yeah it stinks but God is choosing us to be leaders- He does not have to but He chose to! He get to be part of something that has eternal value that is unfathomably cool. 

I think the way I talk (esp around boys) is completely not ok. As I get older I want to be treated like a lady- I should act like one. Joking about sex is funny and easy but I want to start demanding respect out of my brothers in Christ. I don't get offended at all about that sort of thing and I probably won't but God says it is improper and I agree. 

So all that to say I think it will be easy to change my tone around here in this bubble but at home it will be harder. I am actually really convicted about this- which is weird because less than 24 hours ago I wanted to punch someone in the face for basically telling I wasn't a lady.

Ok I miss you guys and I just wanted to tell you about one of the many things God is working on in me already. I also want to challenge you guys to think about that verse. because it is pretty clear in its meaning. but I would love some feedback.

1 comment:

Lacey McMahon said...

You are completely right Mary. I have to be honest in saying that my own selfishness has kept me from wanting to really watch myself on the jokes and even the movies/TV that I watch. Why must it be so hard to die to ourselves?! =)
God has called us to a higher standard of living. Not because he wants to be a huge jerk but because he doesn't want us to be conformed to the world. He wants us to have the mind of Christ and as much as i LOVE my multitude of TV shows...I am pretty sure I wouldn't see him acting in any of them... =) I have had to change my way of thinking to: "if I wouldn't allow my kids to watch it, say it or eat/drink it, then I probably shouldn' far so good! =)