Thursday, January 29, 2009

I got the Joy.

Sometimes it almost creeps me out how quickly God answers prayers around here. But creeped out isn’t the right word, it amazes me. Here are a few examples: yesterday I was just having the worst day. Everything was getting to me and I just wanted to have a friend come hug me and let me cry. So many were on my heart and I just felt so alone because no one here really understands me. I mean Jesus does and Jesus is here. But anyways! I was writing in my journal about how sad I was and how my heart felt like it was breaking for this generation. And I just wanted to be hugged and then I had to go to Wed night service. Well God has placed it on Mr. Hasz’s heart to encourage the interns. I mean it was a breathe of fresh air. He just told us how God is smiling at because he are living a life pleasing to Him. We threw off everything that slows us down and are running after God. Then we sang “the enemy’s been defeated. Death couldn’t hold you down, gunna life our voice in victory gunna make your praises loud. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph, Shout onto God with a voice of praise” and it just hit me. The Joy of the Lord. We serve an awesome God. Truly nothing is above him. And yet he cares enough about each one of us to know every detail of our lives. I mean these are simple truths but it hit me. I had a break trough. Not even death, hell, and the grave could keep him. And he loves ME! Anyways now I am babbling, but I am so blessed. I have so much joy knowing Jesus. I could really go on and on and on. But I won’t.

Also this morning in 360 (women’s bible study basically) I wrote down on my notebook “I want to learn to pray for others, make me a prayer warrior” well then this morning I got an email called “Prayer Warriors” I mean just crazy things like that happen all the time here. Now I still can not wait to go home but I am so excited that I am here and I am learning about God and He is changing me and filling me with His love and joy. And I just can not wait to pour it out again. I have a long long way to go though.

Anyways thank you guys for praying for me, God is hearing you!! Keep praying and pray for my friend Chase is in serious financial trouble, he might get sent home b/c of money issues. I know God wants him here please just pray that God will give him the money.

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