Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hey so it is wed.
and I was having a really good day. my quiet time was productive. even though i was for sure late and will be written up about it. but i read phil chapter 1 and it was exactly what i was feeling for the people back home. so read it, and its my letter to you. particularly the part about suffering.

no corporate today, tomorrow or friday due to the cold. THANK YOU GOD.
seriously if I didn't believe in the power of prayer before- I do now.

I started to actually like my job a little today even though it is overwhelming. there is a lot to learn and the fact that kids 17-24ish are doing the majority of the work that runs/puts on aquire the fire, battle cry and the honor academy theres some pressure there.
yeah if you didn't know- which i didn't teenagers basically run the show. which is really cool. so when we say we are working to reach this generation, we really are. i won't lie i love it.

so i like my job because it is making a difference i like my quiet time, i like chapel, and i might even like class. end likes. i hate everything else. if i had my way i would go home. but i can't God chose so I am here. 

I have that high school fear of having no one to sit with in the cafeteria, everyday, for every meal. its no good.

but i read this (sorry this is all over the board) quote on a brochure and i liked it.

something like this 
"the world can't change me but I want to change the world"

i am tired and don't feel like writing anymore but I have more fun quotes like that

until next time.

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