Saturday, February 7, 2009

I miss city lights.

Carrolton, Texas.
its a place, look it up.

that is where I am currently. I am staying with my roommate Amy and her family.
Amy's family works for Gospel for Asia. which apparently is huge and world-wide.
missed the memo on THAT one. anyways last night we went to an all night prayer
meeting. well...we stayed 'till 12:30.

anyways here's what has been goin' on the HA.
things are getting better, and busier. which is good. i am so much happier- joyful- than when I first got here. I still would give up the 70 degree weather to go home. but I know this is where God wants me to be.

I am learning a lot about myself and God. I am falling head over heals for Him. I'm starting to get a better idea of what God wants me to do with my life. but I don't know for sure what I am going to do next year.

there is always the option of staying here a second year. I would not enjoy it but I have to be open to it.
I LOVE being home but at the same time- what am I going to do there? ya know?
I want to have a clear purpose next year. I am praying about it- the idea that is starting to come is a little far fetched.
SO if you want me home next year, pray that God opens up doors and shows me something to do there.

Also- I am applying for my mission trip next week. I'm thinkin' NY or Australia.
Australia is $4000 but people keep telling me that Jesus will provide.
but NY is more along the lines of what I want I feel my passion is.

Which in case you were this country. If you havn't noticed it is broken, hurting, and without hope.
Teen Mania is all about reaching this generation and raising up missionaries to go into all world.
which I think is super important but in the back of my head I think "what about the people here?!"
the people who were raised in church but have no idea what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.
what about all the people out there who don't get how much He loves us. who is going to tell them they are beautiful? who is going to tell them that no matter what they do Jesus will always always love them? who is going to show them that they can live a live living for God that is full of joy and love? WHO? and then I say "send me! let me show them"

the missionary videoes are all really touching but the stories that make me tear up are the ones about the teenagers who cry out to God and commit to help their generation. I want to bless the people here who ARE going out. I want people to see the importance of striving for excellence. I want to be behind the scenes, I want to help equip people to go out and spread the word and to just love people. I can't put into words everything that has been on my heart lately. but that's the basic idea.

I am not sure if Teen Mania is where I am supposed to be forever, I don't think it is. I think I want to take what they are doing and do this at home. But I have NO clue what that even means.

that is all for now. thank you so much for praying God has been blessing me so much lately- I don't think I deserve it. I have not had the best attitude at all.

please keep praying though it is not easy here.

1 comment:

Shannon Renee said...

mary - i can't say it enough. i'm so dang proud of you. even if you can't see the WAY that God will use you, know that He is preparing your heart for indeed using you. i can't wait to see what He'll do with you, whether it be there or here or somewhere else. your heart is in an amazing place, and i give you huge props. you inspire me.