Monday, January 12, 2009


I got my ministry placement today. I work in development- where I wanted to be. which is good i am quite happy. basically what we do is correspond with donors/ potential donors/ potential speakers. Its pretty confidential and boss. I love it. well my first day was nice.
I am getting overwhelmed. classes start for me on wed. so all of this and then classes and homework. but i have to trust that God knows what He is doing. He didn't just lead me here and then forgot about me. I know He is here, I can feel Him. 

I just found out there is basically no chance of me coming for ATF due to budget cuts. but God can do miracles so keep praying about that. and pray about my funding issue. because there is a huge amount of money i still need to get and I just do not know where it is going to come from. I need diligence to actually look for more people to donate money. I just don't know who else to ask. 

I want to go home so badly- I always get so much happier hearing from people from home. Yes- Mom & Dad even you guys. You guys keep me motivated and remind that I am here for a reason. I have to remember its only a year. and I have so much to learn in this year. so in some ways its not long enough. no- a year is plenty. 

I also found out some fun things about the Honor Academy- 
1) they turn off the hot water from 12-4:30 here. yeahhh learned that the hard way.
2) we are going to start getting up at 4:30 AM instead of 5.
why exactly? your guess is as good as mine. 

I got to talk to Abby today and she was telling me how I need to make friends here. that they will teach me more about God than I can learn on my own. I hate to admit but I think she is right. I don't want to make friends here I don't have enough energy to do that. But I don't have a choice. My heart is at home with all the people that love me and are supporting me I don't think I can ever be fully happy here. Even though I feel closer to God here without the distractions I still feel called to be at home. Not called home like dying. hahaha.

please pray that this year flys by. 
that is all for now. it's almost time for bed. no-seriously

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